comfort quilts
JULY 2024
Quilt delivery to PineCrest Rehab Delray
25 to the Delray Trauma Unit and 17 to Pediatrics.
MAY 2024
APRIL 2024
MARCH 2024
Comfort Quilts is an ongoing community program reaching out to those women, men, and chidren facing the challenges of cancer. Comfort Quilts provide warmth and comfort to these individuals .
December 2023- Year end summary
The ladies of Quilt Guild by the Sea have achieved an awesome milestone goal in exceeding 500 Comfort Quilts made this year !
That’s right ! The 2023 results are 506 total quilts (253 adult, 193 child/adult, 60 NICU)
We have extended our love and comfort to 506 individuals in our community who have had a life challenge to deal with this year.
Our hearts are full and our sewing machines are readying up for another year of community outreach !
Thank you all and see you in the new year.
WPTV Interview
On Dec 4, 2023, our guild was interviewed by WPTV to highlight our Comfort Quilts. Following are some pictures taken by Delray Medical at the event and the interview as it appeared on WPTV.
40 quilts were delivered !
Pinecrest Rehab hospital which is part of Delray Medical hospital nominated our guild for a news story about our Comfort Quilt Program.
The Rehab has embraced our program and feels that not only are the patients so happy to receive a quilt but it brightens their spirits in a way to keep them motivated to get better.
That says it all ! That’s why we do this.
November 2023
Our November quilt stack photo!
The current quilt count is at 481!
239 Adult, 183 child/Teen, 59 NICU .

October 2023
Our current Total Quilt count for the year is 438 ! ( 211 Adult, 174 child/teen, 53 NICU )
It was a huge delivery month as well ! Trips were made to Delray Medical Trauma, Pinecrest Rehab and Nursing, Lynn Cancer Center, and Boca Raton Regional Hospital NICU.
This is outstanding work from our guild members and we are truly making a difference in our community one quilt at a time.
Thank you all so much for your dedication to our outreach cause!
Maureen, Pat and Linda delivered Comforts Quilts to Delray Medical Trauma and Pinecrest Rehab on Tuesday, October 3.
Many Thanks to all there who make our visits so joyful and create such great photos and memories for us to take back to our Quilters .
It is always wonderful for us to see and hear how loved our quilts really are by the patients who are all recovering from such challenges.
Keep making those quilts, ladies of Quilt Guild by the Sea! There is so much need out there for the comfort they provide.
September 2023
Comfort Quilt Year to Date Quilt Count, as of the end of September, is at 390 total ! (180 adult, 163 teen/child, 47 NICU)
60 quilts were turned it at the September meeting! Our highest ever monthly count.
Comfort Quilt ladies, you are truly as generous as you are talented. Each of these quilts is a work of art and bound to brighten someone’s day. They are on their way to delivery. Thank you !
August 2023
JULY 2023
JUNE 2023
MAY 2023
APRIL 2023
MARCH 2023
0CTOBER 2022
JULY 2022
JUNE 2022
MAY 2022
We received this lovely thank you for a Comfort Quilt. We were granted permission to post this but they wish to remain anonymous.
“I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for the comfort your quilt provided when our son was hospitalized for two days. Thank God he was discharged and healthy, but your quilt provided comfort and a feeling of home during a very scary time”.
APRIL 2022
MARCH 2022